Saturday, October 25, 2008


I'm learning a lot lately. I'm trying to learn how to balance my personal life with my home life. Sometimes I feel bad about going out with my friends instead of being home while he is. I don't understand that sometimes when, by the time he gets up and goes to work, I will have only had 2 hours with him. I've also been trying to learn/understand why when I mention wanting to go out with some girls to go have a drink, Aaron gets upset. I think he thinks i'm going to want to go out ALL the time. I just think he doesn't want me to be like that. I'm just so frustrated because I don''t see how b/c it didn't work well for him [going out] that I'm automatically not allowed to. urgh. Am i wrong in being kind of upset about this? I feel like i'm being told I can't have a life because he doesn't right now. I hope that I get this figured out sooner or later.
I'm also learning to be patient and know that I need to go get a job. I need to get credits done. I also need to be patient about graduating. I know it's soo close. I don't want to drop the ball now. I just want to make my family proud about me finishing my education. Aaron told me he got scheduled for the night of my graduation. I really hope that he will be able to come. I would be actually kind of sad. Well i should really go. I'm watching a movie and i think my typing is getting annoying. lol.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Now that I'm nearing the end of my education I'm starting to begin the process of finding employment. I really worry that I won't find the job of my dreams. I know you have to work your way up to what you want to achieve, but really? I hope that my significant other will support me in my dreams. I'm looking into London. Wouldn't that be sweet?! i doubt it will happen, but how do I know if I don't try right?
School is going really well. I'm done November 12. SWEET!!! I cannot wait. I really am excited to finally be done and just work. I know its been really hard on Aaron moving and adjusting to lincoln. He's done it well. I 'm just worried because I want him to be happy. At the same time I want to be happy. I guess, I just really need to find a good balance.
Wedding planning is underway. Once this school stuff is over I can go into full wedding mode. I really can't wait. I just want to be married!!!! Hehe. Anyway. I know it will go according to plan but i worry about things. I need to figure out counciling and that hasn't exactly started like it should have a while ago. So I really don't know whats going on with that. I hope I can get time to call Matt to figure it all out. I should probably get back to work.

I hope this finds everyone well.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Why do I have to grow up and do gross stuff?

So I was ready les blog and thought i'd go on about my domestication. lol. Well Right now Aaron and I have been sick about a week and a half and NOTHING has been done around our house. I feel like it's soo gross I don't even want to tackle it. I just wish that we sould have a maid to do everything for us. I really don't like cleaning, but I really like everything clean. Is that really wierd? Sometimes I just wish that I could just snap my fingers and everything would be clean. I guess this is what being domesticated is like. BAH. Psh. Thats all I have to say. OVer all I think that everything is going well. I 'm trying my best concidering that Aaron works nights and can't always be around to do stuff because he is usually sleeping. Then when he finally gets a day off he really doesn't have the energy to do anything. (although sometimes I wish he really did.)

So right now we STILL don't have a computer. GOSH. I hate gateway. I really do. They still haven't sent a box for our computer and it's still not fixed. I really am at a loss. I'm just gonna have to call and get it all figured out.

I really don't have much time to type. OH. I guess I should mention I just finished my state board test yesterday. It went really well. I figured i messed up on some things but rocked it out in other. As a whole it all went well. Whoever is reading this I miss you all!! I hope this finds you some what well!


Monday, September 1, 2008

Update of the Nonexistant kind

Alrighty, so I guess I really haven't been blogging for a while considering all the crap with my computer. Let me explain in the briefest way possible. My computer broke it we sent it in to Gateway and then they sent us a box to send it in a fix it. We sent it in and about a month later was wondering where it was. Apparently something in the system changed and the place it was being sent to (California) closed while my computer was in Transit. Damn. I was pissed. THEN it was sent to Texas. So about four hours of holding and three maybe four representatives later I finally figured out where my computer was. Well, we then finally got it back. We set up the computer and then Aaron played it most of the night. I just let him, because he really missed it. I have access at school so I didn't mind. The next morning I got a text from Aaron saying it broke again. SO i had to freaking call and try all this stuff so now we are waiting for the box to try again. I have been w/o a computer for I duno about two and a half months!!!! AHHH i'm going crazy. So sorry for my absence from the computer world.

Anyway. School has been going fast. I finish in about ten weeks. I will take my state boards test September 24 I find out the results on the 3. I expect a lot of love if I passs!!!!! AHHHHHH. Then I will be finished about the first or second weekend in November. I'm really nervous and exctied. I really hope I pass and everything goes fine. I'm confident in my abillities so I guess I'm not worried.

Aaron is doing well at work. He's making more friends thank goodness. Money is still kind of tough, but I guess isn't that with everyone. I really hope things go better once I'm finally finished with school. I just want to be done and finally get a big girl job. It will be nice to finally feel like an adult. haha. Our cat is crazy as ever. We figured out anything cardboard or resembling a ball he is crazy about. Forget the nice cat beds. jeez. haha. My nephew is getting bigger. He is teething right now so he is kind of cranky all the time. My sister just started her classes. She is going back to school to become a French teacher. She is kind of frustrated right now because she feels like she should already know a lot of this stuff already. I know she will be great. My brothers wedding is coming up so that is crazy!!! I can't believe it's almost here. I've been trying to find the perfect boots to go with my dress. GOSH it really sucks having muscular calves. I can't seem to find a stretch boot that will fit them. I might check e-bay. There might be one going through.

I really ramble when I blog so I know that it may be hard to follow. Once I get my computer back I can really start to blog more. I hope!! haha I will let you know how the job searching is going.

Love. Peace.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Virus of the Unfriendly Kind

So, our computer has contracted a virus or somthing. I really don't know what happend. The other day I noticed that when I went to get into my programs. . . the button wasn't there. I have no freaking clue what happened!?! I go onto the desktop and there is no button to get into 'my computer'. JEEZ what is this? Any way, longg story short, I figured it out and I have my computer back!! I lost my files, but it's okay I guess. Nothing too big that I lost.
Tomorrow is the fourth. WHOOPIE, i guess. My mom and I are celebrating together. I really wish I could have spent it with aaron but he has to work. I took monday off to spend more time. This new job of his is kind of tough on me. I get to see him, but I don't. Now I really need to clean the house and all this stuff. I guess, this is just preparing me for real life. Wait, what am I talking about this IS real life. Motivation is my big key word right now. I just need to do things and get it done. I can't say things have been easy on me. Right now money is tight and i hope I can make enough money to pay everything.
The other night I really got time to sit and think about everything going on right now. Aaron gave me a card and I really realized how much he cares to me and how much he really is in this. I am so thankful to have him in my life. I know things are hard for a lot of us. I really hope that time will show how strong we have become. How much closer we have become. I also hope that it will show us how much much more in love we have become.
I can't wait to marry this man of mine!!!!!!!!


Monday, June 30, 2008

Weekend Wedding in the Fork

This weekend Aaron and I went back to Norfolk for a wedding. Friday night we both had to work. I got home around midnight and decided since I had so much to do I wasn't going to go to bed because I would never wake-up. We were going to leave as soon as Aaron arrived home from work, which was about 5:30 in the morning.

Finally we got on our way. We both were in pretty good moods. We really didn't feel to tired. Aaron was hyper suprisingly. It was definately a good drive back to the fork.

After arriving in town early we went and bought Aaron some new pants for the wedding. (Doesn't he clean up well?!) Then we went to the church to get Crystal's hair done for her wedding. It turned out soo beautiful!! She looked wonderfull.

It was your typical Catholic wedding. LONG. I'm just suprised we made it through the ceremony still awake! After the wedding happend the Bride and Groom discovered their trolly wasn't comming to pick them up. We felt really bad. But they seemed in good spirits!!

The reception wasn't going to start till after four so Aaron and I decided to walk around and get somthing to drink.

To make a long story short. We went to the reception tired as heck. We had some food talked to Crystal and David a bit and then went home to bed. We couldn't even stay awake for the dance. Over 24 hours without sleep isn't good. haha.
When we arrived back home to Lincoln, we were both spent and kind of upset that we had to work later that day. UGH. But we both had pretty easy nights. Other than that Not much is going on.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

New times.

This past couple of weeks have been the best and some of the toughest times I've had for a while. I just started my new job. At first, this job SUCKED. . . I thought 'what am I doing? I really kinda hate this.' Some nights I would just want to cry because I was so frustrated. Now that I have gotten going, it really isn't so bad. I really am excited to save up some money to get some new clothes.
School is going well. I've had over $115 in retail sales. That is more than I have been able to make in a long time! I'm really proud of myself. I'm getting way more confident in my skills as well. I am excited to learn more and get going. I graduate in November or about 20 weeks. WHOOPIE.
Aaron is doing well. He isn't so fond of his job right now, but it pays the bills and I at least get to see him sometimes. lol. I think this job could be a good thing for us. I kinda wish I got to see him a little more. I miss cooking together at night. Oh well, it's only for a while I guess.
Bachi is crazy as ever. He's been getting scared from the storms we have been having. I think he just hears the noise and gets excited and just wants to know what it is and whats going on. He treats it like the lightning is a game. haha.
I know this is kind of random, but thats how I work. Tonight I"m going to a 21st b-day party for Bre in my class. It should be a good time to get out and do something. Well, thats about all for now.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Do You Ever Feel This?

Do you ever get the feeling everyone is just waiting to leave? Like when you were little and you knew something was up, come to find a babysitter was there and your parents weren't? It's kind of like friendships. I know that people are mean to be in our lives for a certain time. Some stay and then some leave. But why?! I recently had this convo with a close friend. I feel like she just kind of got lost and lost me too. She's getting busier, hanging out with different people, and I'm kinda left hanging. She says to me ' but you've got aaron now.' yea I have Aaron, but I still need my friends!! I can't stand not having a girl night every once in a while. Yea its nice hanging as a couple with other couples, but what happened to ME TIME?!?!
I don't know I don't know if I'm just feeling selfish because I've been replaced or what. How in the heck am I suppose to regain that back. If not, how can i find a decent balance?
It's strange how I can think easier when I'm at work now then home. Maybe because when I'm at home all I hear is CSI and Mario Brothers in the background. Oh, sill boy.
Well thats all for now.


Nephew Fun

Here is Simon In our Papasian chair. We made it into a bowl so he couldn't escape!

And Finally here is one With the Two Of US!!!Aaren't we cute?!

The interview went really well. I think I've got it! So now it's just waiting to hear back.
Well that's all for now.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cult. Happy Days' @ the Bee's

Tomorrow I have an interview at Kohls. I'm kind of excited and nerveous. I think it's because I haven't had to go to an interview for a long time. I really hope that everything goes well. I hope that I really get this job because I really need to get out of working at Applebees. I think that Applebee's secret mission statement includes small print:

"Excessive work at Applebee's will cause cult like effects."
Oh well.

Aaron is getting a little sick so I hope that I didn't carry somthing home from school. That would really suck, because I would probably get it to. Blegh. I really hope I don't get sick.

Tomorrow I'm babysitting my nephew. I'm really excited that I get to watch him. So look forward to pictures. I'm such a proud aunt (if you can't tell). I can't wait till I get to start having my own.

This is all for tonight.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Simon's First Hair Cut

Okay so my favorite nephew needed a little trim. Well, who better than his aunt?

Doesn't he look cute in his little baby cape?!! AWWW.

And below is a new picture of Simon who is now six months old. Look at those baby blues?!

Finally Simon is stretching his legs. My litte monkey is getting so big!!!


Monday, May 26, 2008

Good Day.

Today has been really good. I have a whole day off and actually felt like I accomplished somthing. I think sometimes Aaron things I'm neglecting him, but I needed to get that out of my system. Well It's official my brother got engaged for the last and final time. I'm really excited. Noreane is really great. She is a total sweetheart and works well with our family. I really hope that I get time to really know her soon. I'm really happy for him.

Tonight we are having friends over for some games and puppy chow. I'm excited for it all! I hope the rest of the day goes well.


Saturday, May 24, 2008


Okay so today at school we were really slow. Not bad, considering I was really tired. THEN, I got a really awesome client.

Second, sad part of the day we need to keep looking for a job for Aaron. We got a letter today telling him that he wasn't hired. mer.. I'm not happy about that, but I guess it's all for a reason.

Third (AND BEST) part of my day, My mother in law bought me a porable washer!!! WHOOPIE!!! I'm sooo excited!!


Monday, May 19, 2008


Baby Bachi
This is Bachi as a wittle one.
Teen Bachi
And here he is much older and bigger

Day after Day

Okay, so I've been getting the feeling of doing the SAME thing day after day. If you know me I really can't stand that for too long! I think it's getting close to a time of change. merh.

School is going fine, except I'm worried I might be suspended for a little length of time. I've had 2.5 sick days and thanks to my messed up schedule I switched what Saturday I was off. Well if you don't call/miss a Saturday it counts as 2 absents. Well, that puts me up to 4.5. The office caught it. I was asked to go in. Becky asked if I called in for all my absences and I said yes and that it was not like me not too. Well she was going to check into it. SOoooooo, I guess I'm just a sitting duck right now. I should be freaking out, but this would mean I would leave school till the start of the next session. That is around the beginning of July. I would start this session over with the class under me. I may have a little bit of over contract fee's but at my school, who doesn't. I think I'm more worried what my family says. I think it might be good for me to get a little bit of a break. But if I do get suspended I may cry a little. I always do that anyway.

Bachi went in to get fixed today. GOSH, Aaron and I felt like we were dropping our child off for their first day of school. We got there right at the time they told us like we were anxious parents. haha. He's very sleepy and can't walk well yet, but he's doing well. Just really tired.

More updates later, I must be out.


Sunday, May 18, 2008


So Aaron had his interview on friday and there is no for sure he's getting it. So I hope that the Lincoln Industries will give a better outcome. I closed last night at work. . . um it wasn't so bad but I think our tip share had to be shared with five people, which means, not very good tips for all of us. Considering last night, a saturday night, we didn't even go on a wait once. I guess I will just have to wait and see. Today I work my usual sunday double. I woke up early to write and now I'm eating cereal. I really love cereal. Well thats all for now.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Two Road's Crossing, Just an Update.


Today I realized how beautiful this picture is. It really makes me think how something so simple can be beautiful. Living with someone else is difficult I've come to realize. It's not easy. psh. . . it's down-right tough; but I'm learning. Aaron has an interview on Friday for Menards and then another one next week for Lincoln Industrial. At this point I really hope he gets a job. I don't really care about the money factor (yea it would be nice to be paid well). He just needs to get something going. I think he's really going sturr crazy being a houswife.

You'll get a kick out of this. He has been doing dishes, making dinner, cleaning, making the bed, changing the cat litter, feeding the cat, watering plants. . . I just don't know what to say. This is the man that every woman would kill for and I 've got him. WHOOPIE. The only bad part about him going back to work is our home won't be quite as clean! lol.

Communication has been a big topic lately. We are still trying to figure out a balance. I have a tendancy to get annoied by constant questions and I tend to snap. Well he has his own sarcastic nature and there lies the problem. We know how to talk, but maybe both a little too well. I'm sure one of these days we can stop ranting about how everything we pull out of the fridge is sticky and how much we hate that. lol.

Amber had a surgery on Wed. She finally had that fibroid taken out. The doctor said it was connected to her Uterus. There was a hole left when she took the fibroid out; however, she repaird the hole so Amber could continue having children. Thank goodness she has the doctor she did, because most of them would have just taken that right out. She will be recovering for about a month or so. Mom will be here to help her out a little bit, so that will be nice.

Bachi my dear kitten is getting his manhood snipped on monday. THANK GOD! I don't think I can take all the peeing around the house. He has pee'd on the new bedspread TWICE, on some grocery bags, in boxes, and then on some bag's of Aarons when he moved in. Hopefully him getting fixed will help the situation.

Work is going well. I'm officially and Applebees Expert. whoopie. Whatever, it's really a title with a few perks. (not a raise right now!dangit) Service Research still has not changed. I"m still working all the time, taking some time off here and there, but it's all good. I hope that Home Depot will call me soon so I can finally make a little more money.

I'm a little behind in school right now, because I've been kinda sick and REALLY busy. So I guess thats a good enough update for right now. I hope this finds you all well.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Thoughts on a Day of Growth.

Sometimes I worry if I'm making the right decision. Then I think what is the right decision for me in a place where I'm so use to everyone deciding for me. I need to make a change in my life, and become who I'm meant to be. Today was a tough day. I just want him to be happy. . . and it's tough when he's not handling change well. I know we love each other but right now he's just not happy. He has a job interview on friday, I just pray all goes well for both our sakes. ps. I get internet on friday and I'm really happy! BUT i'm at work and must go.
