Thursday, November 12, 2009

It's all in the Air.. blurph.

So this morning I found myself with a little time. I thought hey why don't I blog a little ditty.

Everyone around me is getting sick.. pretty much my sisters entire family, my mom and now me ( only a little) I really don't have what they have. I left work early yesterday with a sick stomach and a migrain. I have the feeling everyone at work thinks I was faking. That makes me mad. Just because I don't act like the world is ending doesn't mean i'm NOT sick. UGH. I feel a little better this morning. My stomach is still queezy. I think I'm really dehydrated.. that doesn't help. I could sleep for days, and days, and days. I really hope I can focus today and get some work done. I hope it's busy at the salon so I don't have time to sit and focus on me not feeling very well. What I hate more than anything is being sick and left alone to sit and sulk in it.. ugh. lol

Anyway. I'm trying to get our finances in order. I'm really trying! So my goal is to make all my meals and not go out to eat for a LONG TIME> this is of course easier said then done. I think I can do it though. The only thing right now I will get from the store is squirt for my tummy. Well I should go finish getting ready. Love to all who read this! Get better soon if you are sick and reading this!


Monday, November 2, 2009

21 Weeks

Pregnancy Post! yay! So I'm now 21 Weeks pregnant and doing pretty well! I'm getting bigger and trying to adjust to the new body changes. Jaden has started to get really active. I have to say a baby moving is really the strangest feeling ever! This morning I woke up and put my hand on my belly and said good morning jaden and he then created a huge tummy ripple. It was fun. Aaron could even see it! He got to feel jaden as well this morning. Well I'm already not one to be in a lot of pictures but I took a picture of me at 21 weeks. Other then that all has been going well. In a few weeks I'm going to have to do my glucose test I really hope it goes well. It should considering that I haven't had any problems so far. Wait I take that back the only thing that has been bothering me is my tailbone. UGH. My hips are separating and it's a little tough on me. People don't really notice I'm pregnant yet.. mostly b/c at work I wear an apron but when they find out they always comment the same thing. Wow, you have a long way to go yet. I'm freaking half way there. That is the only comment that i'm sick of hearing. ANYWAY... I need to get supper going. I just thought I'd put up a quick post!


Here is a few pictures from a Halloween Pary

Maryio (mario's sister) & Luigi

Luigi on the Run!

Maryio on the Run!