Thursday, July 3, 2008

Virus of the Unfriendly Kind

So, our computer has contracted a virus or somthing. I really don't know what happend. The other day I noticed that when I went to get into my programs. . . the button wasn't there. I have no freaking clue what happened!?! I go onto the desktop and there is no button to get into 'my computer'. JEEZ what is this? Any way, longg story short, I figured it out and I have my computer back!! I lost my files, but it's okay I guess. Nothing too big that I lost.
Tomorrow is the fourth. WHOOPIE, i guess. My mom and I are celebrating together. I really wish I could have spent it with aaron but he has to work. I took monday off to spend more time. This new job of his is kind of tough on me. I get to see him, but I don't. Now I really need to clean the house and all this stuff. I guess, this is just preparing me for real life. Wait, what am I talking about this IS real life. Motivation is my big key word right now. I just need to do things and get it done. I can't say things have been easy on me. Right now money is tight and i hope I can make enough money to pay everything.
The other night I really got time to sit and think about everything going on right now. Aaron gave me a card and I really realized how much he cares to me and how much he really is in this. I am so thankful to have him in my life. I know things are hard for a lot of us. I really hope that time will show how strong we have become. How much closer we have become. I also hope that it will show us how much much more in love we have become.
I can't wait to marry this man of mine!!!!!!!!
