Monday, March 1, 2010


Well, I thought I would do better on updating daily in this blog. Um.. not so much. It has been a little hard considering I kind of had a busy week. I feel like I'm in baby scramble. This last weekend was my shower. I must say it was SUPER FUN! I'm really happy so many people were able to come and celebrate with me. I got to see friends whom I have not seen in a while and a former teacher who hasn't seen my sister or me for a REALLY long time. My sister and mom came up with some great games. They were really funnny. The rice one was really hard! I almost won that... darn aunt bev. I think what I loved the most was seeing how creative my family members are! So many homemade gifts. Would I expect anything less from the Steckelberg/Johnson/Kargol family. Nope. I was going to post some pictures, but I realized that I don't have batteries to put in my camera to get some. Bummer.

It was really nice getting out of lincoln. I had a hard time sleeping at my mom's house. It wouldn't be so hard but being almost 38 weeks pregnant it made it kinda tough. Since I'm so pregnant I usually wake up really early. Well in the morning that happend. I was really uncomfortable so I was going to sit up and watch some tv or something.. well my sister had been up and down with the boys all night and fell asleep in the arm chair. I felt bad and didn't want to wake her. She's been having muscle pain/issues in her shoulder for a while and knew she hadn't been sleeping well. I just returned to my room and tried to sleep. No go. So I decided to paint my toe nails (yes I can still reach them.. who knew?) and my nails to get ready for the day. By the time they dried my little nephews were up so I went out to say goodmorning and started the day.

Once we got back and go everything back to lincoln and up to our apartment I crashed on the couch. I was pooped! I still am a little tired, but this morning aaron let me sleep in and made me a HUGE breakfast in bed. YUMMMY. It was fun becuase we watched our favorite detective show before napping a while. Nice chill time with the hubby.

Tomorrow is my first internal exam. I'm not excited about the whole "internal" thing, but I would like to know if I've made ANY progress. My guess is not, but who knows? We are also setting up the crib and getting organized for jaden. I'm gonig to pack my hospital bag and get that all ready. I just hope I'm not too tired to get what I want to done.

Well thats all for tonight. Hope this finds you all well.
