Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cult. Happy Days' @ the Bee's

Tomorrow I have an interview at Kohls. I'm kind of excited and nerveous. I think it's because I haven't had to go to an interview for a long time. I really hope that everything goes well. I hope that I really get this job because I really need to get out of working at Applebees. I think that Applebee's secret mission statement includes small print:

"Excessive work at Applebee's will cause cult like effects."
Oh well.

Aaron is getting a little sick so I hope that I didn't carry somthing home from school. That would really suck, because I would probably get it to. Blegh. I really hope I don't get sick.

Tomorrow I'm babysitting my nephew. I'm really excited that I get to watch him. So look forward to pictures. I'm such a proud aunt (if you can't tell). I can't wait till I get to start having my own.

This is all for tonight.


Lesley said...

how did the interview go... i hope well... i'm very excited to see pictures