Monday, June 30, 2008

Weekend Wedding in the Fork

This weekend Aaron and I went back to Norfolk for a wedding. Friday night we both had to work. I got home around midnight and decided since I had so much to do I wasn't going to go to bed because I would never wake-up. We were going to leave as soon as Aaron arrived home from work, which was about 5:30 in the morning.

Finally we got on our way. We both were in pretty good moods. We really didn't feel to tired. Aaron was hyper suprisingly. It was definately a good drive back to the fork.

After arriving in town early we went and bought Aaron some new pants for the wedding. (Doesn't he clean up well?!) Then we went to the church to get Crystal's hair done for her wedding. It turned out soo beautiful!! She looked wonderfull.

It was your typical Catholic wedding. LONG. I'm just suprised we made it through the ceremony still awake! After the wedding happend the Bride and Groom discovered their trolly wasn't comming to pick them up. We felt really bad. But they seemed in good spirits!!

The reception wasn't going to start till after four so Aaron and I decided to walk around and get somthing to drink.

To make a long story short. We went to the reception tired as heck. We had some food talked to Crystal and David a bit and then went home to bed. We couldn't even stay awake for the dance. Over 24 hours without sleep isn't good. haha.
When we arrived back home to Lincoln, we were both spent and kind of upset that we had to work later that day. UGH. But we both had pretty easy nights. Other than that Not much is going on.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

New times.

This past couple of weeks have been the best and some of the toughest times I've had for a while. I just started my new job. At first, this job SUCKED. . . I thought 'what am I doing? I really kinda hate this.' Some nights I would just want to cry because I was so frustrated. Now that I have gotten going, it really isn't so bad. I really am excited to save up some money to get some new clothes.
School is going well. I've had over $115 in retail sales. That is more than I have been able to make in a long time! I'm really proud of myself. I'm getting way more confident in my skills as well. I am excited to learn more and get going. I graduate in November or about 20 weeks. WHOOPIE.
Aaron is doing well. He isn't so fond of his job right now, but it pays the bills and I at least get to see him sometimes. lol. I think this job could be a good thing for us. I kinda wish I got to see him a little more. I miss cooking together at night. Oh well, it's only for a while I guess.
Bachi is crazy as ever. He's been getting scared from the storms we have been having. I think he just hears the noise and gets excited and just wants to know what it is and whats going on. He treats it like the lightning is a game. haha.
I know this is kind of random, but thats how I work. Tonight I"m going to a 21st b-day party for Bre in my class. It should be a good time to get out and do something. Well, thats about all for now.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Do You Ever Feel This?

Do you ever get the feeling everyone is just waiting to leave? Like when you were little and you knew something was up, come to find a babysitter was there and your parents weren't? It's kind of like friendships. I know that people are mean to be in our lives for a certain time. Some stay and then some leave. But why?! I recently had this convo with a close friend. I feel like she just kind of got lost and lost me too. She's getting busier, hanging out with different people, and I'm kinda left hanging. She says to me ' but you've got aaron now.' yea I have Aaron, but I still need my friends!! I can't stand not having a girl night every once in a while. Yea its nice hanging as a couple with other couples, but what happened to ME TIME?!?!
I don't know I don't know if I'm just feeling selfish because I've been replaced or what. How in the heck am I suppose to regain that back. If not, how can i find a decent balance?
It's strange how I can think easier when I'm at work now then home. Maybe because when I'm at home all I hear is CSI and Mario Brothers in the background. Oh, sill boy.
Well thats all for now.


Nephew Fun

Here is Simon In our Papasian chair. We made it into a bowl so he couldn't escape!

And Finally here is one With the Two Of US!!!Aaren't we cute?!

The interview went really well. I think I've got it! So now it's just waiting to hear back.
Well that's all for now.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cult. Happy Days' @ the Bee's

Tomorrow I have an interview at Kohls. I'm kind of excited and nerveous. I think it's because I haven't had to go to an interview for a long time. I really hope that everything goes well. I hope that I really get this job because I really need to get out of working at Applebees. I think that Applebee's secret mission statement includes small print:

"Excessive work at Applebee's will cause cult like effects."
Oh well.

Aaron is getting a little sick so I hope that I didn't carry somthing home from school. That would really suck, because I would probably get it to. Blegh. I really hope I don't get sick.

Tomorrow I'm babysitting my nephew. I'm really excited that I get to watch him. So look forward to pictures. I'm such a proud aunt (if you can't tell). I can't wait till I get to start having my own.

This is all for tonight.