Monday, May 19, 2008

Day after Day

Okay, so I've been getting the feeling of doing the SAME thing day after day. If you know me I really can't stand that for too long! I think it's getting close to a time of change. merh.

School is going fine, except I'm worried I might be suspended for a little length of time. I've had 2.5 sick days and thanks to my messed up schedule I switched what Saturday I was off. Well if you don't call/miss a Saturday it counts as 2 absents. Well, that puts me up to 4.5. The office caught it. I was asked to go in. Becky asked if I called in for all my absences and I said yes and that it was not like me not too. Well she was going to check into it. SOoooooo, I guess I'm just a sitting duck right now. I should be freaking out, but this would mean I would leave school till the start of the next session. That is around the beginning of July. I would start this session over with the class under me. I may have a little bit of over contract fee's but at my school, who doesn't. I think I'm more worried what my family says. I think it might be good for me to get a little bit of a break. But if I do get suspended I may cry a little. I always do that anyway.

Bachi went in to get fixed today. GOSH, Aaron and I felt like we were dropping our child off for their first day of school. We got there right at the time they told us like we were anxious parents. haha. He's very sleepy and can't walk well yet, but he's doing well. Just really tired.

More updates later, I must be out.
