Monday, March 30, 2009

Just Piddling Around

So today I came across looking into what my name meant and random things this is my meaning:

Meaning: Its source is a Gaelic expression meaning "Exalted and high minded."

Maybe that explains my mentality when I was a child... hum it's interesting how sometimes your meaning really lives up to your personality traits.

Here is Aarons:

Meaning: Its source is har-on, a Hebrew name meaning "Mountain of strength."

I could really see that it him. Gosh this was a fun game! Just thought it was a great thought for the day.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wedding Update


The main part going on right now is invitations. They have been going fine, a couple of glitches and spelling issues, reprinting, but it's all been okay. Last night I stayed up until about one in the morning cutting all of the paper out. Wow, I'm really sure I will never want to do that again. gosh. lol. In the end I think it will be all worth it.

So, all through this wedding process we haven't had many problems. My mother informed me that we can't decorated the night before, SOOO now we have to figure out what we are going to do.

Well aaron needs to go to bed so it's time to go.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Defying Gravity

There are many things in my life I really love. Dancing. Singing. Acting. Performing. Haircutting. Some things I've done all through my years. Right now I just feel like I need to perform. I haven't for so long. Have you ever felt something in the pit of your stomach? Like you know it's there but just can't figure it out?

I think right now I need to release some creative energy. I've been watching Kerry Ellis on youtube. She was Elphaba in ' Wicked'. I came across her rock version of 'Defying Gravity'. Oh man, if you are any fan of that musical she KILLS IT. She is amazing. I only hope to be half that great! I think it's really gotten me thinking.....

I need to do something greater with my life. Just being a hairstylist isn't enough. Just going to the same job every day just isn't enough. I need more. I need to push on. I know I need this job to earn money and everything, but why not push for something I love. I really hope that after all my wedding stuff gets done, that I can finally focus on my career. Who knows where it will lead.

I was recently thinking of taking some drawing classes to work on my artistic ability. Who knows, maybe I could actually be good!.... okay, okay, I've always had the ability, I've just never trained it. I think now it's about time to start. I feel like there is a giant dark oak door down the hall from me. I stare at it every day as I pass. The door just pleads to be opened. I think now it's time to step forward once again! First it was rejuvenating myself after high school and getting my life back to normal, then it was making the decision to switch college's, then it is this whole marriage thing, and now I think it's my career. I really need to stop politely knocking on doors, I need to slam them down and tell them bitches to get out of my way, cuz I'm comming through.

You know sometimes I think wow, how about we take a break today... then I realize I'm bored and I know exactly why I cannot do that. I probably should take a break but there are people who are getting their foot in the door that I'm suppose to be slaming down.

The only thing now is to figure out how.

.................To be continued............................................................................................................................


Friday, March 13, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

1. Over the years I've learned big risk equals big reward. And you should do what YOU want to do and what makes you happy.
2. Ice cream is good at any hour of the day, day of the week, week of a month, or month of a year.
3. I am a serios animal lover. One of the saddest days of my life was when I ran over a dog. :(
4. I cry at any funeral, it doesn't matter if I knew the person or not. Real life or Not.
5. I love the smell of chlorine at 5 am and the look of a smooth pool of water before the firsst person jumps in.
6. I am a certified pack rat.
7. I feel the need to organize EVERYTHING and to put everything in it's own place. I , however, lackthe ambition to complete it.
8. I am a spontanious cleaner. When I feel the ambition to clean I have to do it now or I get frustrated.(unfortunately, this usually happens really late at night when I should be in bed)
9. I will always love the feeling of freshly washed bedding and a perfectly made bed.
10. I love to sing infront of a HUGE audience, but I still can't practise infront of my own mother.
11. I hate Karaoke.
12. My favorite memories where sitting on top, in, or around my yellow geo tracker.
13. When I road trip I click patterns with my teeth ( don't ask it's hard to explain)
14. I count EVERYTHING. (number of bricks on a wall, number of tiles, different patterns i see ect.)
15. If I had not met my husband to be I would not be having as much fun in life as I do today.
16. I have a cat that thinks he is human.
17. I've flashed most of San Antonio
18. I feel that a budget is a good idea that I can never seem to follow.
19. I can make someones hair burn and sizzle like bacon if I wanted to or turn it to mush.
20. I believe gas is a natural part of life. (which my fiance reminds me of everytime his bum is in my direction)
21. My favorite flavoring of anything is cherry.
22. I am a serious preplanner
23. My sister and I may look and sound similar but we are to WAY different people ( minus our awesome humor and sarcasm)
24. I can usually act calm in any situation but in reality on the inside I'm screaming bloody murder.
25. I'm pretty sure I've had more spankings from my parents than my siblings combine and then some.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Learning to Be Okay With It

So I finally started my 'Big Girl Job'. It's going well, I've learned that there are things I still have to learn and I hate that feeling. I've come to realize that I just need to be okay with it and learn as I go. I work with four other people. Lorena: she is not married and has a little girl who is 4 she's been with this guy since i don't know when. But she's okay with that. They all have a great relationship. Bill: A 30 year old gay man whom brings history and antiques into everything he does. He absolutely loves to collect old things. I LOVE IT. Megan: Kind of catty, she has a 4 1/2 year old boy who is a cute little wrestler. She's 22. She's dating a guy who's mom just died of a heart attack at 48. let's just say Megan isn't all that upset about it. Jamie: just had a baby with a black man who treats her horribly and she doesn't see it. Lets just say she's baby mamma number 4. That's all that need be said. She is best friends with Megan and she can be nice.

I really don't know how I will fit in but we will see.

The wedding plans are going well. We still don't have a photographer.. Bummer. So I PRAY I will find one soon. I'm on a library computer with this crazy librarian reading a cat in the hat book to these kids. He's doing the voices and everything... ahh to be that young again. I only have 9 minuets left so I will go. I hope to keep this updadted a little more! We will see. OH PS. I'm getting another nephew!!! WHOOPIE. There is still hope for me to have the first girl!
