Thursday, May 15, 2008

Two Road's Crossing, Just an Update.


Today I realized how beautiful this picture is. It really makes me think how something so simple can be beautiful. Living with someone else is difficult I've come to realize. It's not easy. psh. . . it's down-right tough; but I'm learning. Aaron has an interview on Friday for Menards and then another one next week for Lincoln Industrial. At this point I really hope he gets a job. I don't really care about the money factor (yea it would be nice to be paid well). He just needs to get something going. I think he's really going sturr crazy being a houswife.

You'll get a kick out of this. He has been doing dishes, making dinner, cleaning, making the bed, changing the cat litter, feeding the cat, watering plants. . . I just don't know what to say. This is the man that every woman would kill for and I 've got him. WHOOPIE. The only bad part about him going back to work is our home won't be quite as clean! lol.

Communication has been a big topic lately. We are still trying to figure out a balance. I have a tendancy to get annoied by constant questions and I tend to snap. Well he has his own sarcastic nature and there lies the problem. We know how to talk, but maybe both a little too well. I'm sure one of these days we can stop ranting about how everything we pull out of the fridge is sticky and how much we hate that. lol.

Amber had a surgery on Wed. She finally had that fibroid taken out. The doctor said it was connected to her Uterus. There was a hole left when she took the fibroid out; however, she repaird the hole so Amber could continue having children. Thank goodness she has the doctor she did, because most of them would have just taken that right out. She will be recovering for about a month or so. Mom will be here to help her out a little bit, so that will be nice.

Bachi my dear kitten is getting his manhood snipped on monday. THANK GOD! I don't think I can take all the peeing around the house. He has pee'd on the new bedspread TWICE, on some grocery bags, in boxes, and then on some bag's of Aarons when he moved in. Hopefully him getting fixed will help the situation.

Work is going well. I'm officially and Applebees Expert. whoopie. Whatever, it's really a title with a few perks. (not a raise right now!dangit) Service Research still has not changed. I"m still working all the time, taking some time off here and there, but it's all good. I hope that Home Depot will call me soon so I can finally make a little more money.

I'm a little behind in school right now, because I've been kinda sick and REALLY busy. So I guess thats a good enough update for right now. I hope this finds you all well.



Lesley said...

oh my gosh its so great to hear whats going on... i hope aaron's interview went well and i'll ray for his coming one. i hope things get better it can be hard sometimes. love you