Thursday, September 25, 2008

Why do I have to grow up and do gross stuff?

So I was ready les blog and thought i'd go on about my domestication. lol. Well Right now Aaron and I have been sick about a week and a half and NOTHING has been done around our house. I feel like it's soo gross I don't even want to tackle it. I just wish that we sould have a maid to do everything for us. I really don't like cleaning, but I really like everything clean. Is that really wierd? Sometimes I just wish that I could just snap my fingers and everything would be clean. I guess this is what being domesticated is like. BAH. Psh. Thats all I have to say. OVer all I think that everything is going well. I 'm trying my best concidering that Aaron works nights and can't always be around to do stuff because he is usually sleeping. Then when he finally gets a day off he really doesn't have the energy to do anything. (although sometimes I wish he really did.)

So right now we STILL don't have a computer. GOSH. I hate gateway. I really do. They still haven't sent a box for our computer and it's still not fixed. I really am at a loss. I'm just gonna have to call and get it all figured out.

I really don't have much time to type. OH. I guess I should mention I just finished my state board test yesterday. It went really well. I figured i messed up on some things but rocked it out in other. As a whole it all went well. Whoever is reading this I miss you all!! I hope this finds you some what well!
