Friday, February 19, 2010

Day(s) Three, Four, and Five

Sorry I haven't been posting.. these last few days got the better of me and well, I didn't post. Ooops.

Let's see where to begin. Wed:
Wed. was aaron's only day off this week since he picked up an extra shift tuesday night. He was one tuckered out man. We took our time getting ready for the day. I let him wind down from work a bit while playing Call of Duty with his Wal-mart buddies. Okay.. truth be known. I was still tired and wanted to sleep in, so this gave him a chance to play. (But he plays every morning) After we both got ready we decided that we needed new movies and I wanted a different book to read. We went down to Gere Library. Ever since I took aaron there for the first time, it has been a fun thing for him. He descovered a whole few shelves of documentary's from the history channel and our new favorite series of Poirot. He is apparently this stuck up detective living in England. He is a character out of a mystery novel.. um.. Agatha Christy I believe. Now, I LOVE me a good mystery so these little movies are super fun to watch. After Aaron picked out like 5 movies to watch, I decided to try out a new author I heard about. Her name is Jackie Collins. She writes mostly about Hollywood ppl and creates their drama's. She came out with a new one called "Poor Little Bitch Girl" The title just sounded interesting. The library was out of that one so I started with I think it's called 'Married Lovers.' I would have finished it in an evening, but I got sleepy. Either way I need to go get another one to read! I really love her style of writing. Over all Wed, was a nice day with the husband!

Truth be told I really don't remember much about thursday. I finished my book earlier in the morning. Then watched some "Poirot" with aaron. We made a casual lunch and just chilled till he took a nap before work. Not a particularly busy day. I will say, since being off work, I've been starting to feel a little better. This is a huge relief because I don't like being stuck laying around all day. I need fresh air and movement. I stand for a living for heavens sake. All I have to say is when I return to work it's gonna be tough!

Friday: (Today)
I've had a habit of waking up really early like 4:11/12 EVERY NIGHT. Why would this night be any different? Well I woke up and did my thing. I decided I felt hungry and kinda gross, so I took a shower and grabbed a bowl of dry cereal to munch on till aaron got home. Chocolate Cherio's are the BOMB! Well when aaron came home I tried staying up with him but I was too tired to sit up. You know when you are over tired and you start getting a headache? Yeah had that going. I went back to snooze while aaron and call of duty had some quality time. He made popcorn and we watch "Poirot" again. Gosh I do love that show! The one we are on now has three mini shows in it. Totally fun. Aaron was tired after that so he went to sleep and it was time for me to start my day. I have felt pretty good all day so I took advantage and did some laundry, and dishes (before they got piled up). Thankfully My awesome husband did them this last time for me! He's soo sweet. He REALLY HATES dishes. I made our dinner reservations for monday nights dinner when we go to the Bed and Breakfast. YAY! I'm super excited about it. I will try and get some pictures up on wed. after we get back.

I'm super proud of Aaron today. His manager Rose, finally made a tracking book on people. This is FINALLY a way for the managers to acurately give bonus's and good things to the right people instead of trying to remember what happend what day. She thanked aaron for pushing her to do it. She also said he's been doing a great job and she is going to put in there all his hard work and how much he does in the time it takes most people to finish one isle. I'm really happy about that. AND she said that she would give him sundays and mondays off now!!!! WHOOOOOOP!! Happy wife right here! This starts um.. March 6 I believe. I'm super excited and proud of him. I think that really made him happy as well. It will be nice to have him for two days off instead of one. :)

Well, I think that is all for now and the update. I have a friends baby shower tomorrow. I'm hoping I'll remember to take my camera, so maybe I'll get some pictures up! We will see. I hope this finds you well.
