Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day Two - Venture Out

Alright. I said that I was going to make it a good day and it was for the most part a pretty good day. I finally slept throught the night awaking about 4:30am. I just snoozed until Aaron got home around 6:15ish. I got up with him. I felt really bad because he had a very rough night at work, so he came home pretty cranky. Poor guy. I really hope tonight goes better. Since he picked up and extra shift tonight it may not. He has to do inventory. It is not a very difficult night, just really REALLY boring.

Anyway to get back on point. I felt fine when I woke up, then I suddenly got a headache and a bad stomach ache. I decided maybe a little more sleep was in order. You know you're in deep sleep when you catch yourself sawing logs. (which I never remember snooring in my life until I got pregnant. It must be the whole stuffy nose thing) After a nice morning nap I then got up and make homemade taco's MMMMMMMmmmmm. That definately made my morning, well that and a big glass of milk! I then decided to make a little routine for myself I would watch The View every day in the afternoon on HULU. I don't always like the show, but at least there is something to watch there.

I knew I had to leave the house at some point today so I decided to go visit my sister at her office and take a pan of hers back. I had to park a little further away from her office... ugh! This pregnant woman was REALLY tired after walking up to her office. I hate to say that is probably the MOST walking i've done in a while. Anywhoo, I spent about an hour with her killing time till her next appointment. After I left I went over to my work and dropped off some papers. You know, I love doing what I do. I just really do not like the people I work with. If any of the other people were in my situation and came in they would sit and talk to all of us forever because everyone else would ask a lot of questions about it. When I walked in I got "so where you like freaked when he said you couldn't work?" I responded and then that was about it. They were both too enthralled about their cell phones. Bill at least tried and said well, let us know how things are going and when you have the baby. I mean of course I will let someone know. I'm glad I made my shower for Norfolk, because I REALLY didn't want them comming. I know the people that matter most to me will make it. I know who will come and who will be to busy/far away to come. It's all good. It will be fun anyway. My family is good with showers.

After I left work I decided to kill time until my class. I really should have just gone home at this point... but I was too happy to be outside. I basically went to Kohls and target in search of a St. Patty's day onsie. I don't think they exist. DUMB.

I went to the class a little nervous to go by myself. It was nice in the fact that everyone there was in my boat, a first time mom with a lot of questions. Overall it was a good class. I can't wait to go next week! I will say it was kind of odd being the youngest in the room. Stranger yet that the teacher of the class had children around my age. UGH. But everyone was very supportive and didn't judge. It was a very welcoming and comforting learning enviroment.

After a long day of a lot of moving I'm definately TIRED. I went online and made my birth plan. So, Check. Now I need to get the hospital bag ready. Tomorrow is aaron's day off. I'm thinking we should go to the library again and scout out some different books for me to read since I'm going to be home for a while. BUT I'm also hoping that he won't want to do much because he's tired. Which will make it a little easier for me too!

I hope this finds whoever is reading this well.
P.S. One of my good friends went into labor tonight I will post any news tomorrow! I pray that it goes fast for her! She is 4 days overdue!
