Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day Six

Hello all!

Today was a very fun, exausting day! Last night I went to bed a little late. Yeah being pregnant I was out and sawing logs! haha. I took my time getting up this morning and hung out with aaron for a while. I went out to lunch at Red Lobster. Ok, nothing against that place... but I'm not really a fishy person. I had chicken strips. ANYWAY. I went to lunch with my friends Janelle and her sister lindsay, and Mike and Alyssa. I have not seen mike or alyssa in forever because they moved back to wyoming. :( But they were back for alyssa's shower we threw her. Lunch was pretty good except Alyssa got sick and threw up (not from red lobster, but from breakfast) So she didn't really eat with us. We then parted ways and I went to hang out with my friend Charlotte until we went over to get ready for the shower.

The shower went great! It was a nice little party. Not super formal or anything ya know. Just right! We all had a good time. Oh an about the pictures... well I took my camera but I never seemed to get it out all night. Oh well, other people were taking a lot of pictuers so I'm sure I'll just use thiers! haha.

I got home from everything probably around 8ish. I must say I'm TIRED! I'm looking forward to a little relaxation time right now. oh yeah, and my bed. I think thats about all for today. Goodnight.
