Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Soon To Be

Tomorrow is the official four week mark. Four weeks until I'm married. Wow, that is and increddible thought. I've been so blessed. I've finally had a little time to sit and reflect on this. So far everything has been relatively easy. My first wedding shower is this weekend... and WOW am I excited. My favorite people are planning it, so I know it will be good. It is suppose to be flapper and intimates party. I'm excited. My mom was talking about how she hopes I like her gift. I know what she got my sister, I hope it's a 'little more sexy' than hers was. But you know, my mom and I are pretty similiar so I'm sure it will be fine.
So I was thinking today, I hope everything is getting done. I HOPE. haha. It hasn't really set in that I'm going to be married soon. I think the one thing I want to do on my wedding is laugh. I really don't want tears! I really don't have much to say today except my shoes look like the picture above! I got them today. They are a little big, but I think they will work well! hehe pink chucks. OH! and my nephew finally fits into his chucks. That makes me happy. ANYWAY.... I have some ice cream comming my way.
ps mini blog.... -) I'm so excited for my best friend Lesley and her husband. I'm happy that they are blessed to be expecting a little girl !! She is going to be just as beautiful as her mother! I can't wait to see her face!


Lesley said...

well aren't you just wonderful can't wait to see you sunday. i hope everything goes well i've never done one of these before... and i hope you like my gift... :S