Monday, April 27, 2009

Satin Robe, and the Next Chapter.

Today I've realized there is more to life than just the present. It's not about how your key board refuses to type every 20th key, or the fact that everyone you work with doesn't do half of what you do but gets paid more... its about more than that.
I can't sit and wait for the future or destiny to find me. I can't. I cannot sit and wait. I'm not your average person to follow the book. Who decided there was a book. It's my life, I'm the author so you better be ready to live life. I think too long I've waited for friends to come to me. I'm not one to go out all the time. I'm more than content to stay around the house and sip coffee while watching my cat peer out the window at the rain drops.
In about 19 days I start the next chapter in my life. So many people don't even get their next chapter. Their books end in a hospital, at their home, off the roof of a shed... why am I not living the fullest until it's my books turn to write it's final page? I want to be so many things. I want to be that perfect house wife, I want to be the powerful working woman my mother is, I want to be a mother. God has everything decided. I want to let him lead. My problem is, I haven't. I'm so excited to see whats going to happen.
Sometimes I wish my life was a musical. Let me tell you my theme song would be "Don't Rain on my Parade" another song would be " For Good" from Wicked. Gosh... Music... ahhhh... Well it's time I head to bed.. Big day tomorrow.
