Sunday, April 19, 2009

Flapper Shower

Today was my first wedding show. I will say it was super fun! I was kind of bummed that my bridesmaid brandi couldn't come. She said she was 'sick' but, I think she just didn't want to drive. I was also kind of dissapointed my friend Alicia didn't even text me to say 'hey I cant come.' I love her to death, but sometimes its frustrating. Thats what happens with friends. I'm sure there was a reason.

Over all the people who really mtter to me came and thats what counts. It was a good time, and I got some really stinking cute stuff. I hope my family shower is fun next weekend! Well, I should get to bed... I do have to work tomorrow... oh.. and tan! hehe I'm wearing white pants next weekend.. I need to look good.