Sunday, March 22, 2009

Defying Gravity

There are many things in my life I really love. Dancing. Singing. Acting. Performing. Haircutting. Some things I've done all through my years. Right now I just feel like I need to perform. I haven't for so long. Have you ever felt something in the pit of your stomach? Like you know it's there but just can't figure it out?

I think right now I need to release some creative energy. I've been watching Kerry Ellis on youtube. She was Elphaba in ' Wicked'. I came across her rock version of 'Defying Gravity'. Oh man, if you are any fan of that musical she KILLS IT. She is amazing. I only hope to be half that great! I think it's really gotten me thinking.....

I need to do something greater with my life. Just being a hairstylist isn't enough. Just going to the same job every day just isn't enough. I need more. I need to push on. I know I need this job to earn money and everything, but why not push for something I love. I really hope that after all my wedding stuff gets done, that I can finally focus on my career. Who knows where it will lead.

I was recently thinking of taking some drawing classes to work on my artistic ability. Who knows, maybe I could actually be good!.... okay, okay, I've always had the ability, I've just never trained it. I think now it's about time to start. I feel like there is a giant dark oak door down the hall from me. I stare at it every day as I pass. The door just pleads to be opened. I think now it's time to step forward once again! First it was rejuvenating myself after high school and getting my life back to normal, then it was making the decision to switch college's, then it is this whole marriage thing, and now I think it's my career. I really need to stop politely knocking on doors, I need to slam them down and tell them bitches to get out of my way, cuz I'm comming through.

You know sometimes I think wow, how about we take a break today... then I realize I'm bored and I know exactly why I cannot do that. I probably should take a break but there are people who are getting their foot in the door that I'm suppose to be slaming down.

The only thing now is to figure out how.

.................To be continued............................................................................................................................



Lesley said...

love the imagery. i love you and i know you can push as far as you want to.