Monday, January 18, 2010

A New Year A New Me

So right now I'm sitting at my sisters in a peaceful house. I'm waiting till my nephews wake up. I'm watching them while my sister goes to the grocery store. Since I really didn't want to watch t.v., I decided to update my blog a bit. I was browsing the templates and found this one. I like that it has a tree on it. I think that is a really go picture for me.

This year is all about new growth and new experiences. I'm going to be a mother. I'm going to attempt juggling being a mom and working. I'm also going to try and make it a healthier year for me. I want to focus on more positive things and less of the negative. I really want to capitalize on the idea of family.

Oh! I wanted to blog longer but I think I heard the cry of a little one!
