Thursday, September 10, 2009

Peace and Sanity

Okay, So I'm really trying to get use to this being pregnant thing. Hormonal breakdowns are no fun.. and the worst part is there really is nothing wrong. I'm praying that I cana mellow out a little bit at least. Since quitting Kohls I've been able to really start cleaning and working on our apartment. I really love having some down time now. The salon has been a little stressful. I've been having trouble making commission. I really hope that picks up soon. I've orderd my own business cards to pass out to people with my name and hours. So I really hope that helps.

Today I am babysitting my two nephews. I love them to death. However, I'm pretty sure this is birth control for anyone thinking of having two children this close in age! Levi, who is 8 weeks, has been having some tummy issues. Well he's been crabby so I finally got him to take a bottle. Who knew that almost at the end of that bottle it's contents would end in projectile vomit all over him and myself. Wow. Simon, who is now 21 months, is getting more responsible. I'm not giving him crayons anytime soon. For him Blues clues is like the ONLY thing on tv. It's kinda cute watching him dance to the opening and closing credits.

Aaron hung out with me this morning while watching the boys. Now he will be napping before work while I do a second round with the tots. I'm hoping tonight goes a little better than this morning, cuz I'm kinda tired. (off the subject) I'm watching my sisters tv and the only channel she is getting right now is this guy making a cabinet. I wish I could make one.

Well I think Levi might be waking up so I'm gonna go check on him. It was nice to get to write a little bit. Humm... Maybe I can watch some of Pride and Predjudice before Simon wakes up! Whoopie. Have a great night.



Lesley said...

yay for an update!