Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You are as sick as the Secret's you keep...

I want this weekend to be positive. Today hasn't been. I go on facebook and see 'are married'. I read a news paper article that confirmed what I knew was true. My friends from high school were getting married. Correction. Got. I'm sorry she thought she could lie and not realize that I would figure out this tangled web she created. Don't tell me your moving him down to KC when you really got married and are on a honeymoon. It wouldn't have been a big deal if you would have just told me. Gosh, I really don't think I've been this upset in a really long time. This weekend is my weekend to be happy. I just can't believe she would do that. It just shows where her allegance is. I bet she didn't even show him the invite. I can't even stand to talk about it.
