So this morning has been a very productive morning. Jaden and I actually got some snuggle time together and Aaron did too. We had a little sleep in morning. It's nice that we could do that. It certainly makes waking up a little gentler. This morning I feel truley blessed. I have a wonderful husband and a wonderful son. Things are looking up. I'm blessed for my wonderful friends and co-workers.
After waking up Jaden and I put on the movie Julie and Julia. I totally love this movie and it definatly inspires my cooking side. After starting it I realized that we needed something to eat for lunch today. I made up a quick pot of chicken noodle soup for Aaron and myself. Now I can add some wonderfull veggies to my soup and have a great hearty lunch! Maybe I will make some toasted rolls to go with that. Hummm that is and idea.
This morning, rather early, the world was also blessed with another bundle of joy! No.. not mine. My wonderful best friend lesley had a beautiful baby girl around 2:50 this morning. Maisy Anne, 5lbs 7oz 17 1/2 inches. She looks wonderful. I 'm so proud of lesley. My prayers go out that she recovers well and has help for her recovery. I can't wait to hear how sawyer reacts! OOOOOoooo I just love babies. Merry Christmas!!!
I think i've decided today I'm going to make some rolls so I better pop those in the oven to have a quick mini lunch before work.
God Bless.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Blessings, Babies, and Bon Appetite!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
It's that time again!
So yesterday I realized that one of my good friends is due relativly soon. Well I needed to make some progress on her homemade gift for her little guy! I decided that I would make an awesome swaddle blanket and a matching burp cloth. I'm really happy with the results! Aaaaand... The whole project was super simple.

The Fabric store was quite and adventure as well. That whole morning Jaden was with me running errands. He was such a trooper! He seemed to really like the fabric store. My guess was because of all the neat colors and patterns. It probably helped that I let him touch some of the different types of fabric. He had a hoot! Just look at his face.

Update on the quest for a church. I FOUND ONE! You know I've been searching for a church that was always there. My old WELS church felt dead. There was nothing there. No Spirit. Nothing. So, when comming to lincoln I was hesitant to try out a WELS church. I finally gave in after e-mailing the pastor. He was so welcoming and everything. I just felt at home. I now have a church I can't wait to attend every weekend! I love the organ, the hymnal, the sermons. I love it all. Now we can get Jaden baptized. I finally found a home church. Last weekend Aaron even gave it a go. He is use to Missouri synod. Mind you any change for Aaron is difficult. He tried it. Some things he didn't like/wasn't use to. I hope that he can come to like this church at least half of what I do!
The Fabric store was quite and adventure as well. That whole morning Jaden was with me running errands. He was such a trooper! He seemed to really like the fabric store. My guess was because of all the neat colors and patterns. It probably helped that I let him touch some of the different types of fabric. He had a hoot! Just look at his face.

Update on the quest for a church. I FOUND ONE! You know I've been searching for a church that was always there. My old WELS church felt dead. There was nothing there. No Spirit. Nothing. So, when comming to lincoln I was hesitant to try out a WELS church. I finally gave in after e-mailing the pastor. He was so welcoming and everything. I just felt at home. I now have a church I can't wait to attend every weekend! I love the organ, the hymnal, the sermons. I love it all. Now we can get Jaden baptized. I finally found a home church. Last weekend Aaron even gave it a go. He is use to Missouri synod. Mind you any change for Aaron is difficult. He tried it. Some things he didn't like/wasn't use to. I hope that he can come to like this church at least half of what I do!
These next few weeks are going to be crazy! Over labor day Aaron and I will take jaden camping for the first time. It will be my first campout for the year! Then the following weekend will be a big Pelster family zoo trip. Then on that sunday Jaden will be baptized. Super exciting. I hope to have pictures up soon of all of our fun.
Have a great Day/Night!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A little Update

Hello all! Here is a little update for you on Jaden. This past weekend my dad and step mother Barb came up to visit. It was great seeing them because we haven't been able to see them since our wedding last may! We did a lot of thing with them. We went out for dinner and breakfast another day. On saturday we went to the Lincoln Childrens Zoo and we took all three little boys the only person who couldn't come was Aaron because he had to work.. bummer I know he would have loved it. It was the first time Amber and her family had been there and I know little Simon had a ball. He was soo well behaved. It made for a really good day. We then went back to my sisters house for some food and just hung out. It was really great getting to see everyone.
I posted the pictures above of my dad with jaden and Barb with him. The center is a picture of Jaden and his new teddy that grandpa gave him. He loves it! Above there is also a picture of Grandpa Chuck with all three of the grandboys. I love that picture! He looks soo proud (which he is!)
We took Jaden in for another check up yesterday. He now weighs about 9 1/2lbs. WOAH! My little man is getting big! He also grew two more inches. He is now about 22inches long. I also found out I'm down about another 8 lbs. SWEET! So I think the total weight loss has been about 21 lbs. That means I have lost all my baby weight plus 1 lb of my own. I hope this trend continues after I go back to work. Other then that Jaden has been doing well. He has been going through a little cluster feeding fase, but has been a pretty happy baby otherwise. He is getting more alert every day. Yesterday he was a little crabby so I made my own moby wrap. He was instantly happy. He was so comfy in that thing that he fell right asleep. After looking around at everything of course. He loves studying everything new around him. Bachi has been getting use to him. I think he actually may like him now. He sleeps next to us when we nap and has been a really good cat around him. I'm pleasantly suprised and happy.
Well thats about all for now. Time for a little tummy time with the little monkey now that he is awake, then on to another nap!
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